Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Workshop "Farmácia Natural para Mulheres"
Cada vez mais mulheres se preocupam com o seu bem estar e procuram formas naturais de se cuidarem. Venha conhecer várias dessas ferramentas, o equilíbrio e a cura no feminino.
Remédios caseiros
Alimentação saudável
Suplementos naturais
Plantas medicinais
Raquel Carvalho de 32 anos é Engª Agrónoma de formação e trabalhou 7 anos com plantas aromáticas e medicinais. A sua paixão pelos aromas fez com que descobrisse a Aromaterapia e desde então fez várias formações nessa área. Aromaterapeuta e Naturopata, dá consultas e lecciona em vários cursos e workshops de medicina natural. É sócia fundadora da Associação Portuguesa de Aromaterapia (APA) e voluntária no projecto social da Associação, o Hospital do Sorriso.
Preço: 20€
Local: Quintal, Rua do Rosário, 177 Porto
Inscrições e informações: tlf 222 010 008 ou por email: mail@quintalbioshop.com
Pagamento no Quintal ou por transferência bancária para o nib: 0007 0000 00190179850 23 (enviar comprovativo da transferência por email)
Atenção: Antes de fazer a transferência confirme se ainda há vagas.
As desistências só serão reembolsadas com aviso prévio até 24 horas antes do workshop
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Palestra "What's Happening to our Thyroid?!" - lecionado em inglês
terça feira 2 de fevereiro das 20.00 às 21.30
Nota importante: o workshop será lecionado em inglês mas poderá ter tradução para português quando necessário
More and more people -- men now too -- are suffering from Thyroid "disorders" though few have made the connection to this all-important gland and what they are slogging through.
There are two hormones that are used by every cell of our bodies which are Vitamin D and Thyroid (and they are related).
Signs & symptoms of over or underactive thyroids depending on the condition include cold intolerance or being too warm (hot flashes); tingling and/or numbness in hands & feet; trembling hands; brittle nails; muscle weakness; abnormal even wild fluctuations in menstruation; constipation or diarrhea; nervousness; fatigue; inability to sleep (insomnia); brain fog; inability to concentrate; memory loss; coarse hair; hair loss (especially in the outer 3rd of the eyebrows); dry skin; hoarseness, apathy; depression; crankiness; stubborn weight gain, or inability to gain weight; and more
Whether you are still healthy or have been diagnosed with one of the Thyroid conditions, come learn about what the Thyroid is, how it is affected by our daily environment (including foods) and how to keep yours in the best shape for maximum life enjoyment.
We'll talk about the gland itself, what effects it has on the body, what goes wrong, and how to make it right including a brief rundown of the possible tests that most doctors do not run (and we'll discuss why the one they do give is not effective so people struggle for years more before finally getting a diagnosis and relief), along with an overview of the possible treatments and remedies (with a focus on healing and prevention).
An opening presentation will start the talk with a Q&A session after and samples of some gluten-free foods that are satisfying and delicious, with an additional bonus for attending. Talk will be in English with possibility of simultaneous translation into Portuguese.
About Sami Hayes:
Hailing from Portland, Oregon, which is the Porto, Portugal of the US, and also perhaps the Vegan capitol of the world (more vegan eateries per capita than anywhere else). This allowed me to learn from some of the best people in the world including several celebrated chefs, published authors, and healers of all modalities added to extensive personal research.
I've currently been traveling for the last 3.5 years spending most of my time in Porto which has captured my heart.
I believe that nothing is more important and healing than the food we eat, or potentially more damaging. My motivation for learning was my own journey of being sick, very sick and worsening for years before I hit my personal rock bottom and said enough. I went to a raw food retreat and within a week was off of all medications and feeling better than I had in years.
Happy to share my story with you and the tricks and insights I've learned since, whether you want to go fully raw and gluten-free or just want to find ways to make healthier foods a part of your daily life, plus understand their impact on your life and body.
Available as a consultant, health coach (including on how to go veg, raw and/or gluten-free), private chef, personal or group lessons, and more. Please see my website at http://cruiosoport.wix.com/home or contact me via email at cruiosoport@gmail.com to explore the possibilities.
Preço: 12,50€ antecedência/ 15€ no dia (inclui degustação)
Local: Quintal, Rua do Rosário, 177 Porto
Inscrições e informações: tlf 222 010 008 ou por email: mail@quintalbioshop.com
Pagamento no Quintal ou por transferência bancária para o nib: 0007 0000 00190179850 23 (enviar comprovativo da transferência por email)
Atenção: Antes de fazer a transferência confirme se ainda há vagas.
As desistências só serão reembolsadas com aviso prévio até 24 horas antes do workshop
Monday, January 4, 2016
Palestra "Let's talk about this Gluten thing!" - em inglês
terça feira 12 de janeiro das 20.00 às 21.30
Nota importante: A palestra será em inglês mas poderá ter tradução para português quando necessário
Less than 20% of gluten-sensitivity presents as symptoms in the digestive system. The reason it is considered a "gut" problem is that it was gastroenterologists who first recognized it. But turns out gluten is even more a brain issue. Come find out why and discover the other symptoms/manifestations of gluten intolerance which include depression; bi-polar; schizophrenia; anxiety & panic disorders (such as agoraphobia); alzheimer's; brain fog; and body symptoms such ankylosing spondylitis; skin disorders (acne, premature wrinkling, eczema, psoriasis and more); joint pain; muscle aches; arthritis; restless legs & arms; cold intolerance; even diabetes, thyroid conditions, and heart disease; as well as the plethora of auto-immune diseases such as fibromyalgia; plus many more which are facilitated or even caused by gluten ingestion.
Some consider a gluten-free diet extreme but what is really extreme is surgery, or taking pills with many side-effects for the rest of your life, or losing a leg or your sight due to diabetes, among others. It doesn't need to happen.
The good news is you are the master of your body and can affect whether you end up with these afflictions and disorders (epigenetics).
An opening presentation will start the talk with a Q&A session after, and samples of some gluten-free foods that are satisfying and delicious, along with some bonuses for attending. Talk will be in English with possibility of simultaneous translation into Portuguese.
This talk will be followed the next Tuesday by a Thyroid class which is a nice companion to this one
About Sami Hayes:
Hailing from Portland, Oregon, which is the Porto, Portugal of the US, and also perhaps the Vegan capitol of the world (more vegan eateries per capita than anywhere else). This allowed me to learn from some of the best people in the world including several celebrated chefs, published authors, and healers of all modalities added to extensive personal research.
I've currently been traveling for the last 3.5 years spending most of my time in Porto which has captured my heart.
I believe that nothing is more important and healing than the food we eat, or potentially more damaging. My motivation for learning was my own journey of being sick, very sick and worsening for years before I hit my personal rock bottom and said enough. I went to a raw food retreat and within a week was off of all medications and feeling better than I had in years.
Happy to share my story with you and the tricks and insights I've learned since, whether you want to go fully raw and gluten-free or just want to find ways to make healthier foods a part of your daily life, plus understand their impact on your life and body.
Available as a consultant, health coach (including on how to go veg, raw and/or gluten-free), private chef, personal or group lessons, and more. Please see my website at http://cruiosoport.wix.com/home or contact me via email at cruiosoport@gmail.com to explore the possibilities.
Preço: 12€ antecipado / 15€ no dia
Local:Quintal, Rua do Rosário, 177 Porto
Inscrições e informações: tlf 222 010 008 ou por email: mail@quintalbioshop.com
Pagamento no Quintal ou por transferência bancária para o nib: 0007 0000 00190179850 23 (enviar comprovativo da transferência por email)
Atenção: Antes de fazer a transferência confirme se ainda há vagas.
As desistências só serão reembolsadas com aviso prévio até 24 horas antes do workshop
Sunday, January 3, 2016
UMA ESCOLA PARA SER: Palestra sobre Mindfulness nas Escolas
segunda feira 11 de janeiro das 19.00 às 20.00
Para conseguirmos que cada criança e cada adulto consiga desenvolver todo o seu potencial na Escola e na Vida, para além de repensarmos o modo como transmitimos o SABER e o FAZER, temos que dedicar mais atenção ao SER.
Ser feliz, Ser consciente, Ser responsável, Ser autêntico, Ser criativo, Ser empreendedor, Ser equilibrado, Ser autónomo …. e tantos outros Ser.
Os Programas de Mindfulness para Escolas contribuem para preparar o terreno para que todos estes SER possam crescer e desabrochar dentro de cada criança, de cada aluno, de cada professor/educador, de cada pai/mãe.
Venha experimentar!
Destinatários: Professores, Educadores, Diretores e outros atores na Educação.
Ser integral: Centro Português de Mindfulness (filipa.soares@serintegral.pt)
Mãe, Psicóloga, Instrutora de mindfulness para crianças e jovens.
Interessada por temas de Sustentabilidade e Educação fez a Formação em Permacultura (2007), com Lesley Martin;, Formação Inicial de Doulas (2008), da Associação de Doulas de Portugal; Formação de Educadora Perinatal (2009), com Ricardo Herbert Jones; Curso de Parentalidade Consciente (2014), com Mikaela Ovén; formação no Curriculum de Mindfulness para crianças e adolescentes da Mindful Schools (2014), formação em Comunicação Autêntica na Educação (2015), com Allan Sousa e Sophie Marie.
Entrada livre.
Local: Quintal, Rua do Rosário, 177 Porto
Inscrições e informações: tlf 222 010 008 ou por email: mail@quintalbioshop.com
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