Thursday, April 19, 2018

Almoço de Pizza crua de fusão - próximo domingo! / Raw Pizza Supper Club Sunday Lunch – THIS WEEK! :)

domingo 22 de abril às 13.30 / sunday april 22 at 1.30pm

Pizza crua de fusão - crosta de sementes de girassol e azeite coberta com queijo de caju e molho de tomate seco com vegetais da estação, dois tipos de cebola marinada & cogumelos (há possibilidade de uma versão sem cogumelos para quem o desejar mediante pedido com antecedência), azeitonas especiais & abacate com um topping de "parmesão" de noz do Brasil. Acompanhada por uma salada sazonal deliciosa e rolos de curgete com pesto. De entrada será servida uma deliciosa sopa crua. Para a sobremesa um original vegan cru mini cheesecake, sem adicionado açúcar.

Toda a comida sem glúten, laticínios, arroz e milho, o que não significa sem sabor!

Preço: 18.00€ antecedência/ 22.00€ no dia.

Inscrições e informações ( tlf 222 010 008 ou por email: Pagamento em pessoa ou por transferência bancária para o IBAN PT50 0010 0000 1568 0740 0018 3 (enviar comprovativo da transferência por email)

Atenção: Antes de fazer a transferência confirme se ainda há vagas. As desistências só serão reembolsadas com aviso prévio até 24 horas antes do almoço


A unique opportunity to experience delicious raw food in a private home, getting to know other great people in an experience similar to guerrilla dining (pop-up restaurant aka supper-club) or paladar (!

On the menu for us will be (The theme this time is orange):

• Raw PNW (Pacific Northwest) Fusion Pizza – Sunflower seed & olive crust topped with cashew cheese and sun-dried tomato sauce, marinated mushrooms, and seasonal delights (similar to the one pictured above)

• Accompanied by a Seasonal Salad with a Raw Dressing, Fermented Ginger Carrots, and Pesto-filled Cru-gete Roll (and more)...

• All starting with a lovely sweet & savory Raw Soup

• For dessert, a delicious raw vegan Cheesecake drizzled with Strawberry-Orange glaze

• Accompanied by a glass of probiotic home-brew Kombucha & Filtered Water

Beer, Wine, and coffee will also be available but for an extra charge.

The food details are subject to change based on seasonal availability.

The entire meal is made with no gluten, soy, dairy, rice, or corn ingredients so vegan, vegetarian, and paleo friendly (but not necessary to enjoy this delicious meal). Organic and local ingredients when possible.

Lunch starts at 1:30 (we will all sit together so no one eats alone even if you come by yourself... but, if you are late you either will be holding everyone else from eating, or eating the main dish while others are eating dessert).

Email me with any questions.

Inscription via bank transfer is 18€ up till day of the lunch when it is 22€ (provided space is still available).

Registration and information: tlf 222 010 008 or by email: Payment in person or by bank transfer to the IBAN PT50 0010 0000 1568 0740 0018 3 (send proof of transfer by email).

Caution: Before making the transfer confirm that there are still vacancies. Withdrawals will only be reimbursed with prior notice 24 hours before Lunch.

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